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dimecres, 6 de maig del 2015

Post 5 (Michael Doohan)

Mick was a pilot of  Moto Gp. He was born in 1965 in Sidney , Australia. He drave a Honda and now he is a legend because he was one of the best pilots of the world and he won 5 consecutive championship. He  was only superate  by Agostini. Agostini won 8 consecutive championship and Rossi with 8 too.

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

Best overtakes of 2014

Post 4 (Yamaha)

Hello people...
 Last post we talked about the Honda, and today we are going to speak about the yamaha.
This year, Yamaha is blue and white and it's faster than other years but isn't the fastest.

Here you can see a lot of information about Yamaha.

divendres, 1 de maig del 2015

Post 3 (Honda)

That's my third post and in this post and in the next 2  I'm going to speack about the motos.
Today I'm going to speack about Honda, It's my favourite because is one of the best.

Here you can find all the information about the HONDA RC213V.